disk queue

英 [dɪsk kjuː] 美 [dɪsk kjuː]

网络  磁碟佇列; 磁盘队列



  1. In PerfMon, add the object "Logical disk," counter" disk queue," and instance your data disk.
  2. Use the iostat command ( iostat – DR and/ or iostat – d) to look for hot disks, file systems, and disk queue depths that can be tuned to provide better storage throughput.
  3. When a queue is opened, resources are allocated according to the definition held on disk from when the queue was created.
  4. Use a single shared disk for all of the recovery data ( logs and data) related to a queue manager.
  5. Take over the shared disk used by the queue manager to store the queue files.
  6. You should monitor server statistics, particularly the disk queue, to keep up with your clustering performance.
  7. Now you see how by using a shared disk, the messages put on a queue before a failover can be recovered afterwards.
  8. On Windows NT, the disk queue length is the best indicator of I/ O saturation, and it should be less than the number of disks in the data RAID set minus one.
  9. We analyzed the logical disk object, average disk queue length, and percent of disk time.
  10. The disk queue is typically the most impacted resource.
  11. The average disk queue length was greater than the number of physical drives in the array (> 6), indicating that writes and reads were waiting on disk to finish.
  12. There is not enough disk space to queue your print job.
  13. Through the use of cache disk and with the updated buffer queue, this research transferred trivial disk operation into log operation. It not only realized the persistence of the data, but also eliminated the bottleneck of I/ O operation on disk.
  14. This file system adopted high efficient disk management strategies, which utilizes a disk space to serve as disk queue to reduce file manage overhead, in which adjacent messages are stored in adjacent disk block.
  15. Fast Queue: A High Performance Disk Queue Storage Management Mechanism
  16. CPU queue length, disk request queue length and task progress rate are chosen to weigh the resource performance. A load cluster method based on connected subgraph is proposed to decide whether task migration is needed and the sender and receivers of it.